Voluntary Pedigree Dogfood Recall
Affected product may contain small pieces of blue plastic — which entered the food during the production process.
This is a recent New York Times Article about how a golden retriever named Devon is helping a returning veteran deal with post traumatic stress disorder. The power of human/animal bond in providing secure attachment and healing is rapidly becoming a hot topic that will hopefully generate more research. Part of my internship for a Masters in Counseling will involve study in attachment theory. To my total delight, my internship sites value the healing presence of a dog in the counseling venue and I’ve been encouraged to bring one of my therapy dogs – either Irei or Tess – with me.
I’ll also be able to use my equine facilitated psychotherapy work toward internship credit. If you are unfamiliar with the healing power of the Horse as co-facilitator in the counseling and growth/learning process, I invite you to check out the website for my 501c3 non-profit: Work of Heart: Horse as Mentor that I share with psychiatrist, Nancy Coyne (www.workofheart.net).
I’m having some difficulty getting this article to automatically open for you, so please cut the URL and paste into your browser.
This past weekend I competed with Moet in a CPE (Canine Performance Events) trial in Portland, ME. We entered 8 classes and earned 8 qualifying scores, 7 of which were 1st and 2nd places! What that translates into was that my dog was able to shift from handler or obstacle focus as I asked her to, and she read my cues ( that I gave accurately) with ease. We had speed, no faults, a couple close calls that required more information from me for her to complete her weaves. I played with her in an exuberant, goofy way following each run so she learns that a job well done yields fun time with me. She ran joyfully and with confidence, and we both had a great time being in the company of the other.
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