Hemangiosarcoma has long been considered one of the two cancers that all too frequently claims the lives of our precious golden retriever friends, both young and old. Below is a summary of research targeted toward remediating this dilemma.
The Shine On Study was conceived at the University of Minnesota Veterinary School to reduce the mortality and the suffering caused by canine hemangiosarcoma. Shine On consisted of three phases. Phase-1 refined a blood test to diagnose hemangiosarcoma. Phase-2 determined the utility of this test to determine if the disease had returned in a dog that was being treated for hemangiosarcoma. Phase-3 established the utility of the test to diagnose hemangiosarcoma in the earliest stages, so intervention would prevent the disease in otherwise healthy dogs. In this case, prevention would be achieved using the drug eBAT to kill the cells that create and maintain the tumor and to make the environment inhospitable to tumor growth.
More information about the Shine On Study, updated results and the drug eBAT may be found at www.vetmed.umn.edu.

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